I'm referring to the fuss over allegations that Russia was hacking Clinton's emails during the US presidential campaign. Such small beer compared with the heavy-handed way America interferes in other people's business.
What Is Particularly Striking about Khaleqi's Art Is the Connection between the Purpose, the Art, and the People.
I'm referring to the fuss over allegations that Russia was hacking Clinton's emails during the US presidential campaign. Such small beer compared with the heavy-handed way America interferes in other people's business.
Following the intensification of the war and increasing worries of the United Nations Security Council and other countries, especially the countries of the region and Iraq’s allies, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 598 in its meeting on January 20th 1987 (Tir 29th 1366).
Many commentators have insisted that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole Iran's 2009 presidential election from Mir-Hossein Mousavi. The post-election protests have been cast as courageous Truth confronting arrogant Power. Yet none of Mousavi's many thousands of election-day observers has claimed that fraud occurred at his polling station, or that the reported vote count was different from what he witnessed. Nor has anyone else presented evidence of electoral fraud. On this narrow but important question, what if it turns out to have been courage confronting Power and Truth: Ahmadinejad was validly elected?
In line with the forecasts by western opinion leaders and reporters based in Tehran, the outcome of the Iranian presidential election leaves no room for doubt: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won by a landslide victory. This is hardly surprising, observes Professor James Petras, since people voted according to class interests : the incumbent national-populist candidate drew his support from the far more numerous lower classes while the pro-western elite voted for the liberal candidate, boosted by the western media. A similar electoral scenario has already been witnessed in other countries.
What Is Particularly Striking about Khaleqi's Art Is the Connection between the Purpose, the Art, and the People.
A Speech by Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei – the Holy Month of Ramadan, 1425 H.S (October, 2004)
A Glimpse at the Political and Literary Life of Ahmed Fouad Negm, the Father of Revolutionary and Anti-Colonialist Poetry in Egypt
Revolution and friendship !
The Words of Professor Shahriyari in a Ceremony Held by Ostad Tamami in His Honor
How does it feel being interfered with, America?
Iranian 2009 Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax
6 Years ago Today: CIA, Mossad and MEK Assassinated Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Majid Shahriari
Alireza Khaleqi: Revolutionary art and memory
My Visit to the Former U.S Embassy in Tehran
Mosques in Iran Serve as a Safe Haven in Times of Social Uncertainty
34 Years Ago: Iran’s President Was Assassinated