A Summary of Professor Shahriyari’s Academic Record
Prof. Majid Shahriyari who was assassinated at the age of 40 in Tehran, Iran was a professor at the department of nuclear engineering at Shahid Beheshti University of Iran. He also worked with the Iranian Atomic Energy Commission. His publication record suggests that he was specialized in medical applications of nuclear physics, with a particular interest in modelling neutron transport processes. He was one of the advisors to the SESAME council representing Iran. Prof. Shahriyari has published dozens of conference reports and peer-reviewed articles on nuclear research. A list of his publications is attached.
October 20th, 2016

The positions held by Professor Shahriyari at Shahid Beheshti University included the following:
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Central Laboratory
Member of the Technology Committee
Member of the Committee for Special Technology and Engineering
Member of the University Audit Board
The following is a sampling of the many peer-reviewed articles he wrote:
Monte Carlo simulation of x-ray spectra and evaluation of filter effect using MCNP4C and FLUKA CODE- Applied Radiation and Isotopes -2009
Calculation of the importance-weighted neutron generation time using MCNIC method – Annals of nuclear Energy – 2008
Monte Carlo calculation of CR-39 efficiency for fast neutron detection using a combination of MCNP and SRIM codes – Radiation Measurement – 2007
Calculation of neutron importance function in fissionable assemblies using the Monte Carlo method – Annals of nuclear Energy – 2007
Comparison of MCNP4C, 4B and 4A Monte Carlo codes when calculating electron therapy depth doses – International Journal of Radiation – 2005
A new approach to contrast enhancement in MAGICA gel dosimeter image with MRI technique – International Journal of Radiation
Simulation of neutron time-dependent transport in fission reactors using the Monte Carlo method; Ulūm va Fūnūn-e Haste’ī (Nuclear Science and Technology), Farvardīn 1386 (No. 39)
Space and time dependent neutronic calculations using Monte Carlo codes (TDMC); Ulūm va Fūnūn-e Haste’ī (Nuclear Science and Technology), Khordād-e 1387 (No. 45)
Neutron separation – Gamma [radiation] in mixed fields using type-AND separation circuits; Ulūm va Fūnūn-e Haste’ī (Nuclear Science and Technology)
An investigation of the efficacy of the FLUKA application in the simulation and design of x-ray spectra; Fīzīk-e Pezeshk (Medical Physics), Autumn 1385 (No. 12)
In addition to the above articles, Professor Shahriyari has presented many papers at academic conferences in Iran, which include:
Optimizing neutron generator spectra for BNCT applications; Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Yazd, Iran; Esfand 1386.
The application of the perturbation method in calculations of the IR-136 exposure system with MCNP codes, and its comparison with Nordion [data] (the manufacturer); Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Mashhad, Iran; Esfand 1384.
The production of photo-neutrons with linear electron accelerators for BNCT applications; Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Yazd, Iran; Esfand 1386.
Calculation of dosage and distribution of the GC-220 exposure system with MCNP codes, and its comparison with smaller dosages; Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Esfahān, Iran; Esfand 1385.
A comparison of the effects of aperture profiles on various parameters for parallel-beam collimator apertures. Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Esfahān, Iran; Esfand 1385.
The design and production of separation devices with type-TP profiles; Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Esfahān, Iran; Esfand 1385.
Analytical and numerical investigation of the burning of fusion targets resulting from the inertial confinement process; Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Mashhad, Iran; Esfand 1384.
Estimating the critical point of the Tehran research reactor using MCNP simulation codes; Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Mashhad, Iran; Esfand 1384.
Calculations using CR 39 (PE/ AI) track detector series for fast neutrons using MCNPX simulation codes; Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Esfahān, Iran; Esfand 1385.
Sensitivity analysis calculations of the critical threshold of sub-critical (SAD) reactors compared to the objective range; Nuclear [Engineering] Conference of Iran, Yazd, Iran; Esfand 1386.
And finally, the following is a list of some of the technical reports he prepared:
Design and construction of explosives detection devices using nuclear engineering technology; Research and Education Institute, Shahīd Beheshtī University, 1386.
Design and construction of plasma focus devices; Research and Education Institute, Shahīd Beheshtī University, 1386.
Application of the perturbation technique in shieding design calculations using MCNP codes; Research and Education Institute, Shahīd Beheshtī University, 1386.
Distribution of dosage calculations [resulting] from linear electron accelerator [radioisotope] beams; Research and Education Institute, Shahīd Beheshtī University, 1387.
Design of Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) devices incorporating electron accelerators; Research and Education Institute, Shahīd Beheshtī University, 1387.
During his career as a researcher and nuclear scientist, Professor Shahriyārī acted as the supervisor of five doctoral theses and over thirty masters’ theses. He became a full professor in 1389 H.S (2010).